Tools Every Family Needs!

One can never have enough tools around the house, but the cluster that comes with all of them is a mess. That is why I am going to tell you the tools you should definitely have lying around the house. 

Starting us off is a Philips head screwdriver. A screwdriver is a handheld tool that allows you to unscrew Phillips head screws. This tool has so many functions as most companies use Phillips head screws to assemble items. Making this screwdriver versatile to unscrew backs of items or tighten up a loose chair. The best thing about these Screwdrivers is you can get them as cheap. Here is my pick for the best screwdriver on the market is the screwdriver made by Klein tools (Link). I like this one because of the grip at the end, and the perforated tip, which makes the screwdriver last longer. The Klein screwdriver will put you back ten dollars, but is worth the investment.

The second tool every American family should own is a wrench, more specifically an adjustable wrench. An adjustable wrench allows you to unscrew or tighten different sizes of bolts at ease. This tool is excellent because many items like furniture, machinery, and anything with assembling, will usually use bolts to hold it together. This means a wrench is necessary for these projects, so it will be a good thing to have one lying around at your house. My pick for an adjustable wrench would be this Craftsman tool this is a trusted brand, and the set comes with 3 different sizes of adjustable wrenches. The set of 3 will cost you twenty dollars, this is one of the more expensive prices but they will last.

Finally, the last tool in your arsenal should be a hammer. The size of the hammer does not really matter since it won't be used for heavy-duty activities. Hammers are essential for hanging a picture, or a poster up. You can also use it to hit items in the right place or to destroy items. I know my family uses our hammer every year to hit stakes into our yard to put up the Christmas decorations. As you can see, the hammer has tons of uses just like the wrench and the screwdriver. My pick for the hammer I use would be this one. Another Craftsman product because of the products durability. This hammer is perfect because it got a nice weight and an excellent grip, and it will only put you back 10 dollars.

All these tools that I have stated don't have to be bought individually. You can find them all in tool kits, which can go for around twenty dollars and come with even more tools like a flat head screwdriver, measuring tapes and much more. That is why I strongly recommend that each family has a tool kit like this to ensure they have a tool for any job. Here is the tool chest that I have at home and use it often for easy fixes around the house. I use this set because it comes with a crazy amount of tools for everyday use, and it only cost twenty bucks which is a great deal for the amount of tools you get.

I know we have all felt the pain of trying to assemble something and then bam you don't have the right tool. Hopefully that will never happen again if you get all the tools I stated above. Thank you for reading and come back next Sunday for the new blog post! 


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