How To Properly Clean Your Kitchen Appliances in the Midst of the COVID-19 Outbreak

As many may know, the Coronavirus disease(COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome, and cases can progress to pneumonia and multi-organ failure. With 156,509 cases around the world (with 2,836 cases from the United States) discovered, people across the globe continue to quarantine themselves or others to contain this virus. The most common, preventable methods to avoid the Coronavirus are refraining from touching your nose, mouth, and eyes, as well as washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. While we fully support the information stated, Schneller & Co. will also brief you on how to thoroughly clean common kitchen appliances during this outbreak to cleanse your household further.

1. Kitchen Knives


Though many different types of steel knives require specific cleaning techniques, here are some cleaning tips Schneller & Co. uses on a day-to-day basis.

Using a carbon steel knife, simply cleaning thoroughly with soap and water, will quickly disinfect the blade and handle and have it ready for another use.

However, for stainless steel knives, you must know that the metal does not have the components to protect the blade. To maintain the knife’s durability, wiping the blade with a clean cloth will keep the blade clean and as good as new. Water can be used to clean the blade, but the longevity may decrease, especially if it is soaked in water or used with soap.
If your knife has a wooden handle, try to minimalize its contact with water to last longer and immediately dry with a towel.

2. Kitchen Countertop

Since kitchen countertops are used frequently, even when not cooking, it can hold many germs and bacteria.

In terms of cleaning a butcher block countertop, you’ll need to use non-abrasive dish soap, a spray bottle of vinegar, brush or sponge, and a towel. Use the soap and brush or sponge with hot water, rinse the soap off with warm water, use the vinegar spray to sanitize the surface, and then dry with a towel.

To properly clean a marble countertop, use warm water, mild soap, a spray bottle, and towels to maintain it’s cleanliness easily. For a smooth finish on your counter, make sure you don’t use harsh cleansers such as anything acidic or have vinegar within it.

With laminate countertops, immediately wipe down spills to prevent stains, wipe down the counters daily with non-abrasive cleansers, and if the countertop is textured. For a deeper clean, use a scrub brush.

Lastly, for a tile countertop, to maintain its shine and grout, use a scouring powder and bleach to clean the textured counter thoroughly. Make sure you aren’t too harsh while scrubbing to prevent scrapes.

3. Kitchen Cabinets

To rid of the dirt build-up on cabinet doors because of the constant opening and closing of them, use a 50/50 solution of warm water and vinegar in a spray bottle. After spraying cabinets, let the solution sit for one to two minutes before cleaning off with a soft cloth. For grimier surfaces, add dishwashing detergent to the solutions for a more substantial mixture.

4. Cutting Boards


With your Schneller & Co. cutting boards, you need to wash said board with hot water and mild soap, then pat down with a towel and stand it up for proper air circulation. However, to entirely rid of any food odor, wipe down your cutting board with white vinegar thoroughly and then rinse with water.

Also limit the amount of times you are going out in public, only go out if its essential. We at Schneller & Co. hope you enjoyed this week’s blog post and wish all of our readers stay safe and clean in this pandemic. Make sure to wash your hands and not share food with others, and practice social distancing!


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