What’s next 2020

The start of the new year has allowed me to reflect on the last year, and I would like to share with you some things I learned. I started with the launch of my company. The company all started as a hobby and is still a hobby for me, I love anytime I get a new order, or something sparks my creativity, and I get to build it. I love watching the process of something starting as an idea and then working with your hands until you are proud of your work. Last year starting in August, I started my business making ten cutting boards and sold them, I loved the positivity and the reception of people who bought my first cutting boards, and I wanted to continue to spread that joy. I expanded and created social media, a logo, a website, a blog, and much more. It was hard at first and still is, from running a site to create beautiful product pictures and much more. Again, I am determined to keep learning new skills and make enhancements to improve the consumer experiences, and to keep updating and innovating. It was a hard task getting it set up, but I’m so grateful to all the people who supported me through last year. I am excited about what is on the horizon in 2020 for me and my business, continue reading to find out!

As 2020 begins to start, there are some crucial goals and improvements, and changes going to be happening, that I wanted to fill everyone in, below you will find detailed goals and new things coming in 2020! One big goal is revitalizing the blog section on my website and turning it into a weekly post that will happen every Sunday. My friend Cristina and I will be an alternating blog post every week, and I might have a special guest on too. The topics of the blog post will be traditionally about woodworking and other DIY topics. However, I want to keep my options available and be able to talk about anything as there may be topics ranging from my daily life to how to improve yourself in 2020. Also, I want you guys to feel connected to the blog post and reach out to me about any questions or topics you would like to be discussed. The new system of the blog posts will start on January 19th, and I hope to see everyone there!

Another goal for me is the addition of new products. These new products are not just going to be a redesign of a cutting board, as I want to bring in new materials, artwork, and shapes into products of mine and do projects I’ve never done. The increase in new products will allow me to grow creativity and not allow the business to become formal and rigid. Some exciting new products I can’t wait to show you guys is the epoxy serving trays, geometric wood art, and hand burned wood art. Furthermore, with the addition of new products, I can not forget my bread and butter, and that’s cutting boards, I will continue to make improvements in the quality of all the old designs of my boards and addition enhancements of older models. In the future, I want my customers to play a more prominent role in designing and customizing their cutting board. I will also continue to add new designs and retire other designs of cutting boards. I also am going to be staring a line of cutting boards called campus boards, which will be the colors of popular colleges such as A&M, LSU, UT, and many more. This line of cutting board will be perfect for college game days!

More things to come in 2020 are going to be a redesign of my website, to make it more user-friendly and more professional. With the new website design, I want to make it brighter and sleeker and more modern. In addition, I want to make sure I improve the consumer experiences on my website. There will be a new home page, color scheme, product pictures, and much more coming in the future.

One goal that is extremely important to me this year is that I want to continue to give back and donate to my community in 2020. I had the honor to donate my cutting board and wine display to a local high school to raise money for their fine arts program this year, and I want to continue to find ways to give back to the community. as I have a big announcement about this coming up!

My final goal of 2020 is to create more content, and this is going to be through starting a YouTube channel so that I can take you behind the scenes of my woodworking. Also, I want to create more DIY content on there where I give you instructions on how you can build improvements in your home. This goal will happen later, but it’s an exciting one for me, as I can try to teach you guys and truly connect to my customers.

In summary, 2019 was a fantastic year for me, as I started this dream of a business and started to grow it slowly. However, in 2020 I want to work harder and do more. I want to add more discounts and sales to loyal customers. Add new designs and new products to my catalog. I want more content that focuses on do it your self and workshops to teach you how to build a project. I want to do more, is the main motto for 2020 so I can continue to live my dream and grow my small business. Thank you all for making 2019 a great year! I hope you stick around because we have some significant changes on the horizon!


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