3 Ingredient Super-Burgers

    Skill Bar
  • 50%

    Time to Cook Eggs

  • 50%

    Time to Cook Patties

  • 10%


  • 100%



Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Fry Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Difficulty: Super-Duper-Easy


Welcome back to Recipes with Ricardo! This Sunday, we will be making burgers! This week I thought long and hard about what to cook. I baked loaf after loaf of strawberry-banana bread, trying to come up with the perfect, easy meal. I was eating breakfast when I thought: what does everyone love? Burgers! What else does everyone love? Eggs! How can I make it my own? Make it an iceberg burger!

That’s right, this week, we will be making a keto-friendly gluten-free iceberg super-burger. Why is it super? It’s delicious! The buns on this burger are lettuce, so its got plenty of crunch and no carbs! I’ve definitely put on a few pounds this past year, and I know I’m not the only one. That’s why this burger was the perfect idea for this week. After a month of strawberry-banana goodness, let's have some good old fashioned protein and cut the carbs out of the equation!

This recipe is e a s y. Send it to your parents, your kids, your neighbors, your dog— ANYONE can do this one!

Ingredients: Makes 5 Burgers

  • 1 head/10 leaves of iceberg or romaine lettuce (iceberg is preferred)

  • 5 chicken patties

  • 5 large eggs


  1. Clean lettuce.

  2. Place patties in oven and heat to the specified time.

  3. Fry egg on a skillet with olive oil at medium temperature to desired doneness. Add a pinch of salt when you’re done!

  4. Add your favorite condiments and vegetables. Serve in this order, from top to bottom: lettuce—>patty—>egg —>condiments—>lettuce.

    As always, message us through email or social media to share your pictures and questions! You can always click the mail logo on the top right corner of the page for any questions, inquiries, or more. Have a great week, y’all!


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