Strawberry-Banana Bread Recipe

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Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Bake Time: 45 minutes

Cooking Difficulty: Easy 


Welcome to another installment of Recipes with Ricardo! Since the last cooking blog post was so delicious, I felt inspired to make more banana themed dishes. 

This recipe is a traditional banana bread recipe with one special ingredient: strawberry yogurt. When I experimented with recipes, I added the strawberry yogurt because I didn’t have any plain yogurt— secretly afraid that it would ruin the bread. However, the yogurt gave the bread more moisture, and the strawberry flavor combined perfectly with the ripe bananas. Read on to see how you can make this delicious treat.


On bananas: The riper the banana, the better! If you have really green bananas, try putting them in an open paper bag on top of your refrigerator (or on any heat source) overnight. If you still feel like they could be riper, peel them, and pop them in the oven for 10 minutes on 350. When you mash your bananas, some like large chunks, and some don’t— it’s up to you. 

On sugar: Brown sugar is best because it keeps the bread moist as well, but if white sugar is your preference, go for it. 

On baking: Stick a toothpick in the bread to check how done it is. If it comes out clean, the bake is done. If it comes out with batter or clumps, give it another 3-5 minutes in the oven. 

Ingredients: Makes 1 loaf

8 tbsp. (1 stick) unsalted butter

1 cup brown sugar

2 large eggs

¼ cups of milk

1 tsp vanilla extract

3 overripe bananas

2 cups flour

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

1 cup of strawberry yogurt


Click through the slideshow to see the progression of the bread!

  1. Melt your butter and mix with brown sugar in a large bowl. 

  2. Use the wrapper from your stick of butter to grease your pan. 

  3. Add the eggs, milk, and vanilla extract, mixing after each one. 

  4. Mash your bananas and add them to the bowl. 

  5. Add flour, baking soda, and salt. Mix until viscous liquid. 

  6. Finally, add your secret ingredient: strawberry yogurt! Mix and pour into a pan. 

  7. Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees. If still not done, continue baking at 3-5 minute intervals, checking often. 

  8. Serve and enjoy!

We hope you love our new take on an old classic! As always, message us through email or social media to share your pictures and questions! You can always click the mail logo on the top right corner of the page, or reach me directly at


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