Oatmeal-Strawberry-Banana Cookies Recipe

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Preparation Time: 25 minutes

Bake Time: 25 minutes

Cooking Difficulty: Easy


Welcome back to Recipes with Ricardo! This Sunday, we will be exploring cookies! These cookies are chewy, melt in your mouth, and then bam! Surprise you with a fruity and invigorating blast of fresh strawberries! This has been one of my favorite recipes to tinker with, and I hope you all have as much fun with it as I did!

Now you're probably thinking, "Wait, weren't the last two Recipes with Ricardo also Strawberry Banana themed?" 

And to that, I say, "You're absolutely right!"

As you can probably tell, I've been obsessed with Strawberry-banana-themed dishes lately! Tragically, however, this post ends our trilogy of the 'Strawbana' dishes. If you're interested in going back to our first two posts, click here for the Strawberry banana bread and Strawberry banana smoothie recipes.


On bananas: The riper the banana, the better! If you have really green bananas, try putting them in an open paper bag on top of your refrigerator (or on any heat source) overnight. If you still feel like they could be riper, peel them, and pop them in the oven for 10 minutes on 350. When you mash your bananas, some like large chunks, and some don't— it's up to you. 

On what to watch while baking: The Great British Baking Show has new episodes on Netflix every week now (perhaps another reason I've been baking so much…). If you've never heard of it before, it's a friendly baking competition that is my favorite easy watch. It's the perfect thing to watch while having fun making these delicious and nutritious cookies!

What You'll Need:

SchnellerCo Cutting Board


1 Medium-Large Bowl

1 Large Bowl

Ice Cream Scoop

Baking Sheet

Parchment Paper

Cooling Rack (optional)

Ingredients: Makes 2 Dozen Cookies

Dry Ingredients:

2 cups flour

⅔ cups oats

2 tsp baking powder (Baking soda is pictured, but baking powder is better)

½ tsp of salt

Wet ingredients:

8 tbsp butter unsalted (1 stick)

½ cup brown sugar 

⅔ cups of milk

2 bananas

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 cups of strawberries

1 tsp lemon juice 


  1. Preheat the oven at 375.

  2. Remove the stem from 2 cups of strawberries, and dice them. They should be no bigger than a chocolate chip. Set aside and drizzle the lemon juice over them, so they remain fresh.

  3. In a large bowl, combine all the dry ingredients: flour, oats, baking powder, and salt.

  4. In a medium-large bowl, mash the bananas. Melt butter and add it to the bowl. Then add the rest of the wet ingredients: brown sugar, milk, and vanilla extract.

  5. Add strawberries to the wet mix and stir.

  6. Pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture and stir until everything has mixed in together.

  7. Using an ice cream scoop or a large spoon, scoop out cookies onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Don't place the cookies too close to each other, or they'll merge into one super cookie!

  8. Bake at 375 for 25 minutes.

  9. Remove from parchment paper and let them cool on a rack.

  10. Serve and enjoy!

As always, message us through email or social media to share your pictures and questions! You can always click the mail logo on the top right corner of the page, or reach me directly at ricardolopez12142@gmail.com. Have a great week, and we’ll see you next Sunday!


3 Ingredient Super-Burgers


Strawberry-Banana Bread Recipe