Banana Fritter Recipe

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Cook Time: 20 minutes


Welcome to Recipes with Ricardo, the last one of the summer! Summer is over, and school is back in session for families all over America. Though school is mostly online now, kids and parents alike are still going to need some tasty after-school snacks. 


I grew up on the island of St. Croix, U.S.V.I., a territory of the U.S.A. On my little island, we played reggae music, went to the beach, never wore shoes, and we had a huge party every two months called "JUMP UP!" At JUMP UP, we would dance, watch the moko jumbies (decorated giants that would dance around the island on stilts, pictured), and eat GOOD FOOD. Banana fritters were a staple of St. Croix, though there are variations of this recipe all over the Caribbean. I grew up eating banana fritters, and after some searching and experimenting, I found the perfect recipe.

Ingredients: Serves 5

3 medium bananas (the riper, the better)

4 tbsp milk

3 tbsp brown sugar

1 cup flour

½ tsp almond essence

1 tsp vanilla essence

½ tsp cinnamon

¼ tsp nutmeg

A pinch of salt

Vegetable or Canola oil for frying


Click through the slideshow to the progression!

  1. In a large bowl, mash the bananas. Add the rest of the ingredients to the bowl and mix until the mixture is roughly as thick as pancake mix.

  2. In a frying pan, add a generous amount of oil for frying and heat it. The oil should be about ¼ inch deep. Scoop out the mixture and place it in the hot oil. Keep the heat on low because they will burn if left unattended.

  3. Keep in the pan until you start seeing bubbles pop up on the surface of the fritter and a ring around the perimeter. See the second to last picture for what that looks like. Then flip them and fry the other side (Caution: their consistency will still be floppy, use two spatulas to flip them)

  4. Serve and enjoy!

Have a blast making this! Send us pictures of your meal and any questions you may have, we're always happy to help! You can always click the mail logo on the top right corner of the page, or reach me directly at


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