Strawberry-Banana Smoothie Recipe

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Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Cooking Difficulty: Super Easy


Welcome to another installment of Recipes with Ricardo! We decided to pick another excellent snack recipe for kids and parents alike with school back in session. Some of us are back in person, and some of us are stuck inside, but everyone will be able to enjoy this delicious smoothie, and we know it’ll be a great pick-me-up snack drink.

Everybody loves strawberry-banana smoothies, but most people buy them pre-made-- which is why we decided to break it down into a super simple recipe that anybody can do. Of course, there are hundreds of different variations of this recipe. We encourage y’all to play around with this recipe and experiment! Now let’s get started!

What You’ll Need:


SchnellerCo cutting board


Ingredients: Serves 2 Cups

1 frozen banana

1 cup of strawberries

½ cup of mixed berry yogurt

2 tsp of raw honey

1 cup of milk


Click through to see the progression!

  1. Break up your banana into small chunks and chop up your strawberries into chunks.

  2. Add them to the blender. Then add your yogurt, then your milk, then the honey. Blend until it achieves liquid consistency.

  3. Serve and enjoy!

Make sure to really have fun with this recipe! As always, message us through email or social media to share your smoothies and questions! You can always click the mail logo on the top right corner of the page, or reach me directly at


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