What’s New with Schneller&co. ?

As we all enter into the new year, Schneller&co. is only growing. Our company has been planning and crafting incredible products to sell to our customers during our winter breaks. Let's see what our brand has cooked up!!

We Can Do Any Custom Engraving!!


Due to our amazing customers from our website, Etsy, and craft shows we've attended, Schneller&co. has brought custom engravings onto the table!! For an extra fee, our company can engrave many images onto any Schneller&co. product. The picture above is just one of the many designs we can provide for you!! All you have to do is attach an image, or ask us to find options, for your order. However, this addition may delay your cutting board delivery.

New Monthly Cutting Boards!!


Inspired by 2021, Jay Schneller has come up with a brilliant idea to release limited edition cutting boards every month. January's board can be seen in the picture above, better hurry and buy the product now before the month ends!! Each board design is drafted to coordinate with each month, from the wood's format and its color. We hope you enjoy this new series!! You can find this board in our shopping section of the website.

Though COVID-19 took a significant toll on Schneller&co. and many other small businesses, we are determined to push ourselves to be and create better. At the company, we want to thank all of our loyal customers and supporters who have seen us grow from the ground up. These additions are just the beginning for us. I hope you enjoyed this Sunday's blog post and hope to see you again!! Stay safe and wash your hands.


The Tortilla Trend: 3 Best Recipes


Ramen Noodles: 5 Different Ways